Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekly Plan

Once again I am late with posting my menu plan for the week. Monday was my son's 11th birthday and also his middle school orientation so it was a busy night.  We did his birthday meal on Sunday night since Monday was so busy. I always let the kids pick what they want for their birthday dinner. His choice Lasagna. 

This week's plan.

Sunday: Lasagna
Monday: Left overs Lasagna / Chicken from previous week.
Tuesday: Pulled Pork Sandwiches from last week.
Wednesday:  Goulash
Thursday: Chicken in the Crock pot
Friday: Baseball Game so Sandwiches.
Saturday: Leftovers.

With spending so much time on the weekends at the baseball field I have started dividing up my cleaning a little bit.  Also, kids are helping more now.

Tuesday: Dining Room. - Our table becomes a catch all for everything.
Wednesday: Bathroom
Thursday: Living Room
Friday: Gone all evening
Saturday: Kitchen - Kids are responsible for Dishes so this is just moping the floors and making sure the appliances are clean.

See you next week.



  1. Your menu sounds delicious! I have to try some pulled pork sometime. I haven't made it in a long time, and it seems to be a nice crockpot item!

    Wish we could have lasagne, but my daughter is allergic to ricotta cheese, so I avoid making anything with that.

    I cleaned my house on Monday and I was really sore by Monday night. :)! I like that you are spreading it out. Maybe I'll try that too!

  2. Your menu sounds great! What do you add to the crockpot for the chicken recipe?
